Dry Tea in Myanmar.
Photos and text: Jirka Simsa
In the mystic land of Myanmar irrigated by the majestic Irrawaddy river tea is grown in the very remote places.
Tea is grown very old and traditional way but there are also very modern and well equipped manufacturies supported by Taiwan tea producers.
Tea is mostly packed by hands and sell on markets. Tea export is insignificant.
There are two kinds of leaf teas in Myanmar. This very unique. LA PHET CHAUK (la pha tcho) is local name of dry tea and beverage made of it. LA PHET SOE (la pha ss) is wet tea served as a dish.
But two kinds of loose leaf teas (wet and dry) is not the only curiosity in Myanmar. Crowd of tea drinkers is divided in to two groups. Indian Chai (spicy black sweetened tea brewed in milk) as a relic of British domination is served on the tiny tables all around streets of Yangoon.
Green tea drinking is more traditional though.